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Monday, October 4, 2010

More Posts Coming Soon... I Promise!!

I am so thankful for such a busy summer and fall photography season! Everything has been going so great that I haven't even had a chance to post new sessions here! Please go to to see recent photos. If you're here on the blog thanks again for following my work - many posts to come soon!!

- Erin

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Tying the Knot

Wedding season is in full swing and I'm so excited to share these photos with you. Last month I had the opportunity to capture memories at the Kreger wedding. It's so much fun to take pictures for a couple that is as in love as these two, and I think you'll be able to see it too by looking at these pictures. A rainy day changed the plans a little bit, but it certainly didn't put a damper on the day. Thank you again to Mike and Marissa for letting me a part of their beautiful day.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Senior Swag

I recently had the chance to spend an afternoon with Josh, a senior graduating from high school next year. One of my favorite things about taking senior photos is that there are no rules. Seniors can be who they are and let their personality show through... and this is the best part. It's so much fun to see this uniqueness come through in the pictures and I think you'll understand when looking at these photos of Josh. Enjoy!

Since it's been so long since I last posted new photos, here are a few more of my favorites from the start of a great summer. Until next time...

Friday, May 7, 2010


This past year has been like no other. The fact that the summer is almost here makes me remember that it was almost a year ago that I posted my very first photography blog entry. Begging my little cousins and sister-in-law to pose for me at the boat launch near my house... the place that would be become one of my favorite locations for photo shoots - Babcock Park. And photo shoots... phewww, I never thought I would be so lucky to be able to take pictures for other people! Looking back it's almost like watching my life in fast forward. Like the part in the movie Marley & Me where they take about two minutes to show a few years worth of events! If you would've asked me a year ago if I thought I would start my own business, own a camera that was considered an "investment," or spend my nights editing pictures... I would've thought you were crazy! But I wouldn't trade this for the world.

My photography journey in this past year has meant a lot of things for me. Most importantly, it's meant finding a passion. It's shown me that "going to work" doesn't always have to feel like "work." I've been so fortunate to have amazing opportunities. One of my recent projects has been doing photo shoots for Brava Magazine. Taking pictures for a magazine?! It was pretty much a dream opportunity for me, and I'm still so excited about it! I feel honored that I was able to do this. So... if you're out and about, pick up a May issue of the magazine and check out page 41! Here you'll read four stories of amazing moms in the Madison community - and you can see some photos by Don't Blink Photography too! Better yet, go to to subscribe to this wonderful publication which is created special for "women of style and substance."

The photos in this post are just a few from my Brava shoots. Enjoy!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Peek-a-Boo Times Two...

Is it just me or did we wake up this morning to full blown springtime? To the sun shining, the flowers blooming, and the world turning green. All signs of that wonderful time as we get ready for the warm temperatures of summer. I am particularly excited this year for the milder days and beautiful landscapes... both of which I cross my fingers for with each photo shoot that I get to do.

I've been so busy lately taking pictures and it's been so much fun! I've noticed that the change in seasons not only brings sunny days and budding trees, but also BABIES! I'm so lucky to have had the opportunity to take pictures of many newborns and little kids in the past few weeks. In this newest post I'm highlighting a few of my favorites from a recent photo shoot with Max and Claudia, newborn twins. These little ones were born in February and are as sweet as can be; both with completely different and adorable features and personalities! They were welcomed home last month by their older brother, David. You can see in the photos how proud he is to have two little playmates at home.

Springtime brings with it the sweetness of new beginnings... and in this case it's twice as sweet!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

"Memories for Moms"

I can't believe that it's been an entire month since I last posted new photos! Sitting here typing I realize how much I enjoy the time that I get to spend sharing my stories and pictures with all of you! Where did March go? Although so much has happened between the beginning of the month and now, it's still amazing that April is here and summer is on its way! As we all know, Mother's Day is also just around the corner, on Sunday, May 9th. In honor of this special day I am so excited to announce my first promotion of the summer...


This is your chance to win a free photo shoot for the special mom that you know. Here are the details: 1) Go to the Don't Blink Photography fan page on Facebook by following the link, (Or you can find the page by typing in "Don't Blink Photography" in the search box). 2) Become a fan and post on the wall a story about who you are nominating as a special mom and why they deserve a free summer photo shoot. 3) After your story appears on the wall, get all of your friends and family to become a fan of the group and "LIKE" your post! (If they're a fan of the Don't Blink page, they do this by clicking on the "like" button right underneath what you wrote).

The story about a deserving mom with the most "likes" will win the photo shoot! I'll be counting up the votes and choosing the winner at 6:00 PM on Sunday, May 2nd. The fan with the most liked story will then receive a gift certificate to give to the special mom that they nominated the following weekend. (The certificate will be good for a one and a half hour, customized photo shoot in the Madison-area, to be scheduled between May-October 2010. Photos from the shoot will be edited and copied onto a CD with the copyright released to the special mom). Good Luck!
Speaking of moms... I thought that these new photos of little Elliana would be perfect for this post! At six months old, this little girl was so sweet to work with and I had so much fun taking pictures of her. Bringing out Elliana's personality and capturing these moments for her mom is one of my favorite parts about being a photographer!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Little Max

For those of you who know me personally, you know that I have a soft spot in my heart for little ones. Kids have the ability to take on life in a way that I could only hope to rekindle now that I'm an adult. Every time that I have the chance to take pictures of little kids I always hope to bring out this wonder in my photos. These pictures are of little Max during a semi-impromptu photo shoot where I got to observe Max doing what he does best - be a one and a half year old! The photo on top is my favorite from the session, simply because of the "look" in Max's eyes. I feel like you can truly see his happiness and his curiosity about the world around him (even though he even had a cold setting him back a little bit). I'm so excited to continue this photo shoot with the new brother or sister that Max will have in another month!

There's something that we can all take away from time spent with children. Whether you learn to laugh when you might've otherwise gotten angry, you find happiness in all of the small things, or you just take the time to enjoy your days as they come to you... I'm learning that this can be some of the best advice of all. Next week I'm lucky enough to be headed on a vacation to Mexico with my husband where I'll be trying to do just that - take things day by day instead of always worrying about tomorrow. I can't wait to share vacation photos when I get back!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Yola's Cafe

Coffee shops... there's just something about them that is so relaxing.  I'm not sure if it's the fresh smell of coffee grounds or the comfy chairs that get me.  It's the type of place where you can meet up with friends or visit by yourself and you feel just as comfortable either way.  Since moving to Madison I've found Yola's Cafe.  It's a cute little shop on the West side of Madison that not only has amazing coffee drinks, but to-die-for homemade menu items too.  

I was presented with a very neat photo opportunity when I had the chance to take pictures of some of these great food items at Yola's.  A new style of photography for me, it was a little different than taking pictures of people.  Where my subjects usually have plenty of personality, it was a welcomed challenge to try and give food a life of its own.  I was very happy with the photos and figured that if my own pictures made me hungry, then I must've done my job... and that cinnamon roll is looking really good right about now!  

So if you're in Madison and looking for a place with friendly smiles and an inviting atmosphere, stop by Yola's Cafe.  I would recommend an infamous chocolate chip scone accompanied by a vanilla frappe with a little bit of whipped cream on top, but it's up to you!  No matter what you choose, I'm sure you'll be back.  

Find out more about Yola's at