erin weberpal     608.751.1918

Friday, May 7, 2010


This past year has been like no other. The fact that the summer is almost here makes me remember that it was almost a year ago that I posted my very first photography blog entry. Begging my little cousins and sister-in-law to pose for me at the boat launch near my house... the place that would be become one of my favorite locations for photo shoots - Babcock Park. And photo shoots... phewww, I never thought I would be so lucky to be able to take pictures for other people! Looking back it's almost like watching my life in fast forward. Like the part in the movie Marley & Me where they take about two minutes to show a few years worth of events! If you would've asked me a year ago if I thought I would start my own business, own a camera that was considered an "investment," or spend my nights editing pictures... I would've thought you were crazy! But I wouldn't trade this for the world.

My photography journey in this past year has meant a lot of things for me. Most importantly, it's meant finding a passion. It's shown me that "going to work" doesn't always have to feel like "work." I've been so fortunate to have amazing opportunities. One of my recent projects has been doing photo shoots for Brava Magazine. Taking pictures for a magazine?! It was pretty much a dream opportunity for me, and I'm still so excited about it! I feel honored that I was able to do this. So... if you're out and about, pick up a May issue of the magazine and check out page 41! Here you'll read four stories of amazing moms in the Madison community - and you can see some photos by Don't Blink Photography too! Better yet, go to to subscribe to this wonderful publication which is created special for "women of style and substance."

The photos in this post are just a few from my Brava shoots. Enjoy!