erin weberpal     608.751.1918

Saturday, January 16, 2010


The cold, winter weather lately has got me thinking about spring and how I can't wait to get back outside doing photo shoots.  For that reason I wanted to post pictures from this past fall.  From one of those last autumn days where you can't hardly soak up enough of the mild temperatures because you just know that it won't be long before you'll be buried in snow and wishing it was warm again.  And here I am, just like I knew I would be... excited by the thought that tomorrow could be a day above freezing and we'll be that much closer to seeing the grass again.  

These photos are of the Williams family, and this was one of my favorite family photo shoots from last year.  Not only were these kids so sweet and polite, but they LOVED having their pictures taken - and this made my job so much fun.  I think that each of their individual personalities are brought out in these photos and the pictures also show how much love this family has for each other.  It was so obvious that they have fun being together, and I had a great time hanging out with them for an afternoon.  

The opportunity to meet such neat people... just one of the many things that I absolutely love about my job as a photographer.  In lieu of the recent earthquake in Haiti, I feel like I need to remind myself of just how lucky I am.  After days of watching footage on TV, I can't even imagine the life that the people there are living with every day.  Not to mention the heartbreaking stories of helpless little ones who can't get the medical attention that they need so badly.  It's so tough to be here, knowing that it's impossible to get on a plane and go to Haiti to help out - something that I'd do in a heartbeat if I were given the chance.  I believe that aside from donations, thoughts, and prayers, the best thing to do is take a step back and look at our own lives.  All of the little things that we take for granted every day - drinking clean water from the faucet, going to the doctor when we need to, having a bed to crawl into at night.  I know that I will go into the future reminding myself of just how fortunate I am.  Remembering that my everyday problems are truly nothing when I think about what a wonderful life I have.  So my word of the night is... LUCKY.  Thank you to everyone who's helped to make my life what it is.

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